Daniel’s Den is a Parent and Toddler Charity working to promote family life through the running and developing of safe and engaging Parent and Toddler Groups.
Our Mission Statement
Read more on our purpose, vision, objectives and principles here.
Our History and Background
You might be wondering ‘Why the name Daniel’s Den?’
The answer lies in the Bible story about Daniel and the lions’ den. Daniel was a man of prayer and because he prayed to his God, people became jealous and the king was tricked into putting him in a den of lions. This was a scary place! What did Daniel do? He prayed, and God saved him. This is often the case with parenting. We pray that God will bless us with a child and then when they arrive our life as parents can be scary – even life threatening at times. Prayer got you in there, and we believe only prayer will help you survive.
You might also be interested in the story of how we were founded.
Daniel’s Den would not be able to do what it does without the support of our hard working teams. We have a staff team, trustees and volunteers.
We support charities in 5 continents and have corporate partnerships in the UK too.
Reports and policies
You can read our annual reports, and also download our policies for safeguarding, whistleblowing and more.